Five reasons why Teenagers should learn Mat Pilates

Tanya Houpt- Exercise Therapist


Five reasons why Teenagers should learn Mat Pilates


1.        Pilates provides total body conditioning and is arguably the fastest growing exercise system

·      Toning, strength, muscle endurance, mobility, flexibility, efficient movement, and of course Pilates mat work is the ultimate in core workouts. 


2.         Teaches correct movement

·      Teenagers’ bodies go through many varying growth stages affecting bones and muscles.  It is extremely important to educate and provide the tools to execute movements correctly, ensuring the body is not negatively compromised.


3.        Posture and body alignment

·      Pilates is big on posture and correct alignment…thank goodness there is something to negate the effects of prolonged device use and sitting times.  (See my earlier blog on Smartphone use.)


4.        Injury prevention

·      By keeping muscles in balance, strengthening your core and – perhaps most importantly – enhancing your body awareness, coordination, and mental concentration.  A must for sport performance.


5.         Mind, body, and spirit connection

·      Pilates was developed with the intention of helping to integrate and elevate the body, mind, and spirit.  The mind, when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power.

Insite Therapy is offering a Teenagers Fundamental Pilates Program at Body of Work


Thursdays at 11am

Starting 3rd November 2022

Running for 6 weeks

Cost $195.00

Spaces are limited to 8


Please contact Tanya Houpt if you are interested, Ph: 0274435293.